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Bidding Farewell to Gum Inflammation & Embracing Optimal Oral Health

June 10, 2024

Are you dealing with persistent bad breath or swollen, red, or tender gums? You might be suffering from gum disease. At the office of North Bellmore Dental Associates, PC, we provide comprehensive services designed to help our patients maintain and enhance their oral health.

Dental plaque, a sticky substance that constantly forms in your mouth, harbors the detrimental bacteria responsible for tooth decay and gum disease. When left unaddressed, this plaque can accumulate between your teeth and gums, leading to an infection and inflammation of the periodontal tissues supporting your teeth.

The initial stage of gum disease is gingivitis.

Gingivitis represents the first stage of gum disease. Although it may not cause any overt discomfort and often goes unnoticed, there are specific signs to watch out for that indicate the onset of a problem. If you notice your gums bleed while brushing, appear red or inflamed, or feel sensitive, you likely have gingivitis.

Causes of Gingivitis Include:

  • Neglectful Oral Hygiene: Insufficient brushing and flossing can allow plaque to accumulate on your teeth and gums.
  • Smoking & Tobacco Use: Using tobacco weakens the immune system, making it easier for gingivitis to develop.
  • Medical Conditions: Certain diseases like diabetes can increase the risk of gum disease.
  • Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormone levels, such as those during pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause, can make your gums more susceptible to gingivitis.
  • Poor Nutrition: A diet lacking essential nutrients can compromise the immune system and contribute to gum disease.

The good news: you can reverse gingivitis!

With proper care, you can eliminate gingivitis and restore your oral health. By treating gingivitis early in its onset, you can avoid the tissue damage associated with more advanced stages of gum disease. Even though inflammation and an active disease process are present with gingivitis, the integrity of the periodontal tissues supporting your teeth remains intact.

At this stage, some simple steps can successfully reverse gingivitis and restore your oral health. Our office may suggest a series of deeper dental cleanings involving scaling and root planing, an improved oral hygiene regimen at home, and other non-surgical therapeutic measures to maintain and enhance your oral health.

What happens when gum disease is left untreated?

On the other hand, if left unaddressed, gingivitis will unfortunately progress to more advanced and challenging stages of periodontal disease. When this occurs, tissue damage ensues, leading to the formation of gingival pockets, gum recession, diminishing alveolar bone, and eventually the loosening and loss of teeth. Moreover, researchers are discovering increasing links between periodontal disease and other medical conditions.

For all these reasons, it's crucial to seek timely and effective care. By making time for a healthy diet, practicing good oral hygiene, and getting regular dental check-ups, you can maintain your oral health and an attractive smile while protecting your overall well-being.

Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns about your oral health. We're here to help!